One-of-a-kind platform. One-of-a-kind benefits.

When it comes to improving patient outcomes, connection is key. We’re bringing patients together with their healthcare providers and researchers in a unique way: by making them keepers of their own health records.

whyze health platform

The WHYZE Health platform is a secure digital convergence of patients and healthcare partners from across the industry. With WHYZE Health, a patient’s records travel with them across facilities and providers. As they choose to share personal health information with different stakeholders, their record becomes a more complete picture of their treatment journey.

Using privacy by design principles embedded into our systems and business practices, the WHYZE Health platform fully integrates up-to-date information from different healthcare sources, including provider encounter information, administrative data, outcomes data, patient-reported outcomes, and wearables data. The collection of data generated by these disparate stakeholders creates an inherently value-based collaborative care and research approach that benefits everyone.

The platform even brings health opportunities directly to patients by advancing global awareness of clinical trials — enabling better outcomes, increased participation, and more efficient healthcare. If the patient consents, their quality real-world evidence is anonymized and analyzed using our advanced artificial intelligence (AI) to provide more effective, efficient, and cost-effective health and research decisions.

Robust Data Means Confident Decisions.

Our novel digital platform brings together real-world data from a variety of healthcare sources to better identify problems, opportunities, and solutions personalized to each patient.

A Common Set of Data for Stakeholders

Our collection of data consolidated from disparate sources enables more informed insights and a value-based approach to collaborative care and research.

A New Paradigm in Healthcare

With WHYZE Health, patients own their health data, choosing which providers, researchers, and other stakeholders have secure access and providing cumulative records that accelerate drug and device development.